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Calabar Alumni Florida Wellness Program

Under the Chapter's Strategic Plan of Giving, 70% of funds raised are to be dedicated to a major significant project that falls within the definition of the funding categories defined in the SPG. In March 2022, the Board approved the designation of the initiative, coined "The Calabar Florida Alumni Health and Wellness Program," as the chapter's major project. 


The funds from the newly minted Calabar Alumni Florida's Health and Wellness Program will support the school's measures to improve students' general welfare regarding nutrition, physical health, and mental well-being. "While the demand for nutrition assistance remains high, our youth's emotional and behavioral health is just as important as physical health," pronounced Karl Thompson, the departing president of the Florida chapter. He has held the two-year post since November 2020. Against this background, in addition to bolstering nutrition assistance, qualified planned activities that expand the student's capacity to engage in positive behaviors to nurture their well-being, build psychological resiliency, and personal goal setting are all eligible to be funded by the program. Read more here.



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